Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Latest

Well, I'm not even sure where to start. All weekend, we thought that Jethro was improving. Today we were told that he really isn't improving and our options are 3 or 4 different surgeries, or to make him comfortable and let him die. None of the surgeries present a real solution to his heart problem, a couple of them really aren't even options, either because of the financial circumstances we find ourselves in, or because of the severity of Jethro's heart condition.

I'm mostly posting to ask for prayer. Mike and I need a tremendous amount of wisdom as we seek the Lord's face in this turbulent time.

I am an emotional wreck, and find myself looking into a glass darkly, and wondering where God is in this. I KNOW He's here, I know He's watching over us, I know He's got this all under control, however, I feel set adrift.

I seem to be healing from my surgery okay, but am not very sharp mentally at the moment, so it makes these decisions even more daunting, because I don't have the clarity of thought that I would desire.

My laptop is dead at the moment...I'm on Will's netbook right now. So, I don't know when I'll get to update again, but I will as soon as I can. If you are on Facebook, there are updates there, Will updates for me.

Please, continue to pray for God's healing touch on Jethro.


  1. Oh Mrs. Dole, I am so sorry that Jethro is not doing better. I pray that God would wrap you in His arms and comfort you there. I pray that you would have wisdom and clarity about what to do for dear Jethro.
    Mrs. G

  2. Tracy, it's in these dark times, when we feel adrift and tossed by the waves, that God shows Himself strong on behalf of His children.

    You are loved.

    Remember Job. I know it's hard to think about it right now, but God did not forsake Job, even though Job felt forsaken. God has not left you, Tracy, even though you feel set adrift. (((hugs)))

  3. I am praying for you all, dear friend. I know that none of this has caught the Great Lord of the Universe by surprise. I pray that He will move in mighty ways and show Himself to you, to His glory!
    As Janet said, "You are loved."

  4. I have been praying and will continue to pray as hard as I can for you and your sweet family. Last night the Lord awoke me in the early a.m. hours to brought you and baby Jethro immediately to my mind. I will keep praying for His healing touch, and for a miracle for your sweet little one. May He comfort you and give you peace and wisdom. Much love.

  5. Tracy, know that our family and church are praying mightily for you. Craig and I held each other and cried out to God on your behalf last night. We are praying for the children too.

    Blessings, (((hugs))), and our love,

    The Mischenko Family

  6. I am praying for you and your family.

  7. Tracy, is a heart transplant an option, either now or in the future? I know that University of Chicago kids hospital has all kinds of money and ways to help pay for it.

    Praying still!

  8. Dear Tracy,

    We've never met but I came across your blog through a friend of a friend...there are many people praying for you right now! My son has a different heart defect and has had 2 open heart surgeries so far. If you can, get a 2nd opinion asap from a good pediatric cardiology hospital, like Children's Boston, Philadephia, WI, Ann Arbor, U of Chicago, etc. I want you to know that a heart defect does not have to be fatal and another hospital might suggest a different course of action. However, we all have to do what is best in our individual situations, which vary so widely. I am praying for you in this difficult time, that God will grant all of those involved in Jethro's care His wisdom and compassion.

  9. Tracy,
    I know that when Seth was born, his first surgery saved his life and the others the doctor's wanted to do would not have solved anything - they would have kept him alive, but he would not have been better off.
    I am praying for all of you - for a miracle and that God will put you and your husband in TOTAL agreement about what He wants you to do. Keep listening for His whispers to your heart.
    This has been my rock verse from the beginning of Seth's life: (Jer. 29:11) "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Those are His thoughts of you and Jethro.
    I'm passing your link on to our Yahoo group too.

    In His Love,

  10. Dear Tracy, I have come accross your blog from FB - my son has 3 defects cTGA (sometimes called dtga in usa i think) Pulmonary Stenosis and VSD... Im sending you ALLL our love and thoughts and prayers...
    I would like to second what idreni said about another opinion xx sending love that you are able to make peace with whatever decision you come to - sam

  11. We are praying for you, your son and your family. God Bless.

  12. You whole family is in our prayers as you walk this journey with Jethro. You are not alone in this walk, God is with you as well as a strong family of other "heart families".

    My Cassiana has undergone two life saving open-heart surgeries so far. Without them she wouldn't be here. These surgeries have not repaired her heart, they are bandaids to keep her going so that we can buy her more time to grow bigger and stronger until the day that she will need a transplant. This has been a huge financial challenge for us as well but God has provided us with all of our needs. Please look into contacting the Erika Kate Foundation for some assistance: erikakate.org, they are amazing and want to help "heart families".

    ~Tina Ashcraft
    carepages: babycassiana
